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It’s been dubbed the “miracle tree” and “the tree of life” and you have to admit – that’s piqued your interest. But as lovely as those nicknames are, the best one of all the moringa benefits is that this superfood is just be the world’s most nutritious plant.

Its leaves contain over 90 nutrients and 45 compounds with anti-oxidant properties and 36 with anti-inflammatory properties.

Ounce for ounce, moringa leaves are known to contain 7 times the Vitamin C content of oranges, 4 times the calcium and twice the protein in milk, 4 times the vitamin A in carrots, and 3 times the potassium in bananas.

Plus, its also packing amino acids and various phenolics – Moringa’s home to a rich and rare combo of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol, omega-3s and chlorophyll



   How to Use Moringa


There are a number of ways you can take Moringa. Here are some of the most common uses for moringa…

  • In a Soup: Moringa’s active plant components don’t loose their effectiveness when Moringa is dried, ground or boiled – which makes it perfect to prepare into a soup. Most of us don’t have access to fresh moringa leaves but if you get whole, dried leaves – you can substitute them for fresh leaves easily.

  • As a tea: Letting dried Moringa leaves steep in hot water for a couple of minutes or so infuses the whole thing with its abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants among others. Apart from being a quick pick-me-up if you’re feeling a bit sluggish, Moringa tea also helps calm an upset stomach and relieves bloating. You can also add the flowers, bark and roots for this application – if you have access to them. There’s a yummy Moringa tea recipe below!

  • Capsules and Powders: This is the way most people take moringa these days, simply for the convenience. Powders are great to mix with fresh juices or blend into smoothies and the capsules are perfect to take when you’re on the go.

  • Topically:  Moringa has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied directly to the skin as a germ-killing astringent. Mix moringa powder with water to make a paste.

Ready for some easy, delicious moringa recipes to get you started?



    7 Deliciously Nutritious Moringa Recipes


1. Moringa Green Superfood Smoothie









Superfood moringa green smoothie recipe that is fast, delicious and super nutritious!


Image Source: The Seasonal

What you need:

  • 2-4 leaves of kale or chard

  • 1 banana

  • 1 Tbsp. almond butter

  • 1 date

  • ½ – ¾ cups coconut water

  • 1 Tbsp. cacao powder

  • ½ tsp. moringa leaf

  • 1 cup ice


1. Place all smoothie ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a large cup, and sip with a smile!

Read more:

Superfood fact: Moringa is the most nutrient-dense plant in the world! Sorry Kale;) It contains over 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants! It grows in the Himalayas and is used to fight weight-loss, constipation, arthritis, cancer, diabetes… the list goes on and on.





2. Raw Vegan Moringa Guacamole Spread









A very simple and easy spread recipe with moringa, which you’ll have done in less than 5 minutes.



Image Source: Raw4Happiness

What you need:

  • 1 medium ripe avocado

  • 4 ripe cherry tomatoes

  • Fresh cilantro, finely chopped, to taste

  • Juice of 1/2 lime

  • 1 tsp dry moringa leaf

  • Pink Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper to taste

Smash the avocado with a fork, and mix all the ingredients. Done!

Note: Don’t keep it in the refrigerator for more than a day as the avocado oxidates.

Read more:

Seems like everything with some nutrition property is nowadays called a superfood, but according to superfood specialist David Wolfe, moringa, a tree leaf, has over 3 times more calcium than cow’s milk, and 4 times more vitamin C than orange.





3. Moringa Iced Tea











Trying to cut out sodas for your kids? Make them some Moringa Iced Tea.



Image Source: Dooney’s Kitchen

What you need:

  • Dried Moringa leaves

  • Lemon

  • Honey

  • Ginger

  • Warm water


1. Measure out the quantity of dried leaves that you would like to make lets say a pot, depending on how strong it is. Add warm water. I read up that hot water kills nutrients in moringa, so it is best to use warm and let it steep for longer.

2. Halfway through steeping, roughly about 5 minutes, add lemon slices and ginger wedges and allow to steep some more.

3. Drain the tea, sweeten with honey.

4. Pour into a glass, add ice cubes and garnish with a slice of lemon and fresh Mint leaves.

5. You can make this in large quantities and chill.

Read more and see steps with image here:

Quench your thirst the Moringa way. It contains all the antioxidants and all the jazz that’s good for you. Rather than throw the leaves away after making a tea, blend the leaves into your smoothie. Waste not, want not. 






4. Magical Cacao & Matcha Moringaroons Recipe















The perfect healthy, nutritious, indulgent dessert that can double as a satisfying midday snacks. Greens and chocolate… truly a nutritional match made in heaven.


Image Source: Breakfast Criminals

What you need:

  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut

  • 1 tablespoon Moringa powder

  • 1 heaped tablespoon matcha

  • 3 tablespoons sesame seeds

  • Optional cacao crunch: 2 tablespoons raw cacao nibs (my favorite ones are from Frontier Coop)

  • pinch of sea salt

  • 5 tablespoons maple syrup

  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 2 tablespoons cashew butter (any nut or seed butter will do)

  • 1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


1. Mix all dry ingredients (except cacao magic) in a bowl.

2. Add in wet ingredients, mix well until the texture is even.

3. Now, you have two choices: (1) You can either press the mixture into an ice cube tray (fun shapes, like stars, are the best!) and freeze for 2 hours. After that, your moringaroons are ready to be indulged. Remember to keep them in the fridge. (2) Shape the mixture into balls, then roll them in cacao magic and cacao nibs for an indulgently healthy chocolate touch. Freeze for 2 hours, then keep in a tight container in the fridge.

If you want to give a try to the original moringaroons, read more here:





5. Moringa Leaves Curry











A South Indian stir fry using this powerhouse greens along with lentils.


Image Source: Chef in You

What you need:

  • 280 grams bunch Moringa Leaves

  • 1/3 Cup Moong Dal (Mung Beans)

  • 1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder

  • 2 tsp Coconut Oil

  • 1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds

  • 1/2 tsp Urad Dal (split Black gram)

  • 1-2 Red Chilli

  • 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • Lemon Juice to taste


1. Soak the moong dal in some water overnight or at least 1-2 hours. This step is optional but soaking not only aids digestion but also reduces the cooking time significantly. If you are short on time you can start cooking immediately without soaking as well.

2. Drain and add this to a saucepan. Add enough water (abt a cup) along with turmeric.

3. Cook in med-high flame, allow it to boil and cook until just soft.

4. You don’t want it mushy. If you have soaked the lentils, then check around the 6-8 minute mark. Take a cooked moong dal and press it with your fingers, it should be soft enough to press easily.

5. At this stage, remove the cooked moong dal from flame and drain. Retain any water leftover.

6. Chop the moringa leaves- a rough chop is fine!

7. Heat oil in a pan ( I use the same pan used to cook my dal) and add mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds sputter, add split urad dal and broken red chilli and fry them till the dal turns golden brown. Add cumin and when the aroma hits,

8. Add the chopped leaves along with and salt and mix well.

9. Add about 1/2 cup of retained dal water ( otherwise just use water) and allow the leaves to cook completely. The leaves will cook quickly but will not become mushy or slimy.

10. Lower heat and then add cooked dal.

11. Mix well and season with additional salt if needed and lots of pepper powder.

12. Stir to combine, switch the flame and squeeze some fresh lemon juice to taste.

Serve warm along with any South Indian main course menu like Sambar, Kuzhambu and Rasam. Don’t forget a healthy dose of freshly homemade ghee to along with it 

Read more:

If you already know these, then you wouldn’t question my enthusiasm. But for those not in the know, Moringa leaves are (probably) the most nutritious of all greens. Ayurvedic belief insists that regular consumption of Moringa leaves could possibly save you from cartloads of diseases and keep you healthy.






6. Moringa Energy Smoothie








Make a power packed energizing smoothie by blending moringa with your favorite organic fruits, vegetables and liquids.


Image Source: Urban Naturale

What you need:

  • 1 teaspoon moringa leaf powder

  • 1 banana

  • 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks

  • 1 /2 cup blueberries

  • 1 orange-peeled

  • 1 cup filtered water or coconut water


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 1/4 avocado – peeled


1. Add all of the ingredients to your blender.

2. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Read more about the benefits of moringa and find another moringa recipe here:

Important Note:

Like most dark green foods, such as spinach, moringa thickens the blood. If you are on blood-thinning medication or are pregnant, consult your health care practitioner before taking moringa.







7. Moringa Guacamole







Guacamole is by far our most favorite way to eat an avocado! This recipe shows how easy it is to sneak in those healthy greens without anyone being the wiser.


Image Source: Love Food Eat

What you need:

  • 3 avocados, peeled, pitted, pits set aside

  • 1/3 cup finely chopped red onion

  • 2 Tbsp. finely chopped cilantro

  • 2 Tbsp. finely chopped massaged kale

  • Juice of 1 lime

  • 3/4 tsp. salt (recommend ground Himalayan rock salt)

  • 1/2 tsp. Moringa leaf powder

  • Generous grinding of black pepper


1. Using a mortar and pestle or mixing dish, add in avocados. Mash with pestle or fork until desired consistency.

2. Add in salt and Moringa powder. Mix well. Add the remaining ingredients and combine well. Garnish with a few cilantro leaves. Enjoy.

Bonus tip: Keep the avocado pits immersed in the guacamole to help maintain its freshness, especially if you’re making this dish in advance. Add the pits back in before garnishing with cilantro.





IAM World Principal Producer of Holistic Moringa Oleifera

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